NUCLEON Účast na mezinárodní výstavě galvanizované oceli 2023


The China International Hot-dip Galvanizing Conference and Exhibition, held every two years, is one of the most influential hot-dip galvanizing conferences in the world and is held solemnly at the Sheraton Qingdao Hotel in Shandong,China on October 22-24, 2023.

With the theme of “ focusing on changes in the domestic and foreign markets and achieving new developments and breakthroughs ”. 

The meeting will showcase the latest market trends and applications, process technology progress, innovation, cost control, regulations and best practices.The seminar will also hold an exhibition of international equipment and service providers to stimulate factory visits and exchange opportunities.

NUCLEON CRANE's products have received A warm welcome from everyone


As an invited guest, NUCLEON CRANE set up an exhibition area during the exhibition. General manager Zhao Ping yang was invited to participate in the conference and fully demonstrated the performance advantages of NUCLEON CRANE's galvanized lifting equipment to the guests.

Products on display include:

  • Galvanized crane

Master intelligent technology and anti-swing technology. NUCLEON CRANE galvanized cranes are designed for extreme environments.The crane must meet the appropriate load factor of the environment in order to play its lifting role.Our products are designed to cope with the harsh environments in which they may operate.

Dip galvanized industry-adopts intelligent design concept, precise positioning, high work level, maintenance-free, and long safe work cycle.

    It can be wirelessly connected with the company's MES system and SAP-ERP system through the digital information identification system to realize the digital management of the factory.

    It has the characteristics of reducing energy consumption, reducing pollution, and being efficient, safe, and stable.

    Galvanized crane

      NUCLEON CRANE's products have gained everyone's attention. In recent years, our products have made outstanding contributions to the galvanized industry with excellent quality and good reputation, and have been awarded the “Technological Innovation Award” by the International Hot-dip Galvanized Association.

      As always, contribute its own modest contribution to the sustainable, green, healthy and efficient development of the galvanized industry, and set a benchmark for quality and service in the industry.


      nukleon Novia

      Jsem Novia, zabývám se exportem jeřábů již 10 let a sloužím zákazníkům ve 20 zemích. Mám rezervu odborných znalostí o konstrukci a výkonu různých typů jeřábů. Od cenové nabídky přes plán návrhu až po dodávku vám poskytnu individuální službu, abych vám poskytl nákladově nejefektivnější a nejprofesionálnější řešení jeřábu. Pokud potřebujete koupit jeřáb, kontaktujte mě pro nejnovější služby.

      WhatsApp: +8617344639397
      ZNAČKY: Galvanized,Galvanized crane,Galvanized electric hoist,galvanized steel,harsh environments,International Hot Dip Galvanizing Symposium and Exhibition