Dua Crane Overhead Girder Tunggal 10 Ton Selesai Diproduksi: Pelanggan India Mengunjungi Pabrik Kami


Customer Visited Our Factory

Load capacity: 10t
Crane Span: 18m
Lifting height: 10m
Mode kontrol: kendali jarak jauh nirkabel
Power source: 440 V/50 Hz/3 Phase
Tugas pekerjaan: A5
QTY: 2 set
Country: India

The customer made an appointment in November to visit the factory in December and check the quality of the crane.
We went to the high-speed railway station to receive the customer, and drove the customer to the factory, on the way, the customer was full of praise for the development of China.

After arriving at the factory, we checked the European hoist workshop, single girder workshop, and electrical workshop. After each visit, the customer was very satisfied. He appreciated our products and the scale of the factory.

We are very grateful for the customer's visit so that we can show the high-quality cranes made in China. The customer has not yet returned to India to make the final payment, but I hope to use the Nucleon crane as soon as possible.

Here are some photos of our customers' visits.

Factory derek di atas kepala kerekan Customer Visited Factory

nukleon Novia

Saya Novia, bergerak di bidang ekspor crane selama 10 tahun, melayani pelanggan di 20 negara. Saya memiliki pengetahuan profesional tentang struktur dan kinerja berbagai jenis crane. Dari penawaran hingga rencana desain hingga pengiriman, saya akan memberi Anda layanan satu-ke-satu untuk memberi Anda solusi derek yang paling hemat biaya dan profesional. Jika Anda perlu membeli crane, silakan hubungi saya untuk layanan terbaru.

TAG: Derek Di Atas Kepala,derek overhead girder tunggal