이중 대들보 오버헤드 크레인

Nuclear power plant

Kursk, Russia
프로젝트 제품 설명
- 상품명:이중 대들보 오버헤드 크레인
- Model: 30/32t
- 응용 분야: 원자력 발전소
Bridge cranes play a crucial role in the construction and maintenance of nuclear power plants. These specialized cranes are designed to handle heavy loads and perform essential tasks within the plant.
NUCLEON cranes are used to move heavy loads efficiently and safely in all areas of a nuclear power plant.
- Precision and Control: Bridge cranes in nuclear power plants are designed to provide precise movement and control to ensure accurate placement of heavy components in critical areas of the plant.
- High Safety Standards: Safety is paramount in nuclear power plants. Bridge cranes are subject to strict safety regulations and undergo rigorous testing and inspections to ensure they meet the required standards.
- Remote Operation: To minimize the exposure of personnel to radiation, some bridge cranes in nuclear power plants can be operated remotely, allowing operators to control the crane from a safe distance.
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