12.5 Ton Single Girder Gantry Crane Delivered to Russia


Load capacity: 12.5t

Crane span: 25m

Over hang: 7.5m+7.5m

Urefu wa kuinua: 8m

Njia ya kudhibiti: udhibiti wa kijijini usio na waya

Power source: 380 V/60 Hz/3 Phase

Work duty: A3

QTY: seti 1

Country: Russia


This gantry crane will be used in the customer's factory. We designed the lifting height and span according to the usage described by the customer.

This crane is used by customers to load and unload trucks outdoors. Raw materials need to be unloaded from trucks to designated locations. Customers want the lifting speed to be as fast as possible, so we designed a lifting speed of 8 meters per minute.


As we all know, the standard speed of our crane is 3.5 meters per minute under a load of 12.5 tons, so the electric hoist of this crane is customized according to customer needs. Let its lifting speed meet 8 meters per minute.

Because the speed becomes faster, the force on steel structure components such as the main beam and outriggers will be greater. Therefore, although the capacity of this crane is 12.5 tons, it is improved based on the steel structure of a 20-ton crane, thereby ensuring the safety and efficiency of customers using the crane.


The following are some loading and packaging photos.

single girder gantry crane

nucleon Novia

Mimi ni Novia, ninajishughulisha na usafirishaji wa crane kwa miaka 10, nikihudumia wateja katika nchi 20. Nina akiba ya ujuzi wa kitaaluma kuhusu muundo na utendaji wa aina mbalimbali za cranes. Kutoka kwa nukuu hadi mpango wa kubuni hadi utoaji, nitakupa huduma ya moja kwa moja ili kukupa suluhisho la gharama nafuu na la kitaaluma la crane. Ikiwa unahitaji kununua crane, tafadhali wasiliana nami kwa huduma ya hivi punde.

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TAGS: Gantry Cranes,single girder gantry crane